Friday, 30 August 2019

Dean Malmgren on How He Sees Data as a Rich Design Medium by Alexandra Alexa

This interview is part of a series featuring the presenters participating in this year's Core77 Conference, "The Third Wave", a one-day event that will explore the future of the design industry and the role designers will play in it.

To a designer with a more conventional career path, Dean Malmgren's entry into design sounds a bit backwards. In 2009, Malmgren co-founded the company Datascope, a data science consulting firm. After an acquisition of their company by IDEO, he now works directly in their Chicago offices alongside his original Datascope team as an Executive Portfolio Director with a passion for human-centered design. You may be asking yourself, how does an initial curiosity around data collection and algorithms lead to a focus on human-centered design? The way Malmgren sees it, utilizing data alongside user research in considered ways can lead to even more human-centric product solutions than ever imagined. Malmgren's work hopes to push the idea that teams can invigorate their design practice by, as he frames it, "using data as a design medium".

We recently spoke with Malmgren, who will be taking part in a panel with IBM's Joe Meersman and Marijke Jorritsma of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the 2019 Core77 Conference "The Third Wave", about his background and how to reframe your relationship with data as a working designer.

Core77: Can you tell me a bit about the path that led you to found Datascope?

Dean: We started Datascope as we were wrapping up our PhDs at Northwestern. Mike and I were both in the IDEO lab at Northwestern and we were studying the space of complex systems, which in a nutshell, basically involved taking big datasets and telling stories about what we were observing through the lens of predictive models and lots of other things.

It was through that experience that we gained a lot of expertise and developing models that made sense and that you could interpret. And it was really kind of the inspiration behind [us] designing algorithms that were useful for people, which I would say is sort of the founding principle behind Datascope. As we got started, as you might imagine, we learned pretty quickly that that involved a lot more than just data and code. It was a time of designing not just those algorithms but actually the surrounding products and experiences that accompany them.

So we very quickly started to learn from the agile development community, the lean startup community, but especially the design community. And along the way, we'd met IDEO who was at first an informal mentor to us. We would just grab coffee with them every little bit and talk to a few of their partners about what the future of design looked like and why data science is relevant. [We would also] ask for advice on growing a consulting practice that ultimately turned into an externship, basically where I spent a couple of weeks at IDEO doing a project and we had a senior designer come and work with us on some projects. That all went well. And led us to sort of question, you know, what was the next thing?

What was a step that made sense? And what we realized is that designing intelligent products and services in an authentic way, we do our best work [when] data scientists are working side by side with designers; it's not just the practice of human-centered data science, it's actually just another discipline of design. And so that was the impetus for actually being acquired by IDEO, just to continue pursuing what that looks like and bring that all to life.

By training I've never taken a design class, but to be fair, I didn't take any data science classes either.

Interesting. You studied math and engineering and chemical engineering, if I remember correctly?

Yeah. So I studied math and chemical engineering as an undergrad. My PhD was in the chemical and biological engineering department, although I never took a biology class, like since high school. And I've also never taken a statistics class, so I kind of learned statistics on the streets as they say. Design is kind of the same thing I suppose.

You just kind of pick things up as you work with different clients?

Yeah. At Datascope especially, we would take tools and approaches from the human-centered design toolkit and apply them to a data science context. So one thing that would happen all the time with our clients is that they would come to us and say things like, "we have this big data, what can we do [with it?] How is this valuable? Or we just read about deep learning and we need to use it in our business." And while those like statements came from a good place, the reality is that they're not grounded in a business problem or context.

And so it involves sort of sketching out what that could possibly look like. And we did that through the lens of design and learning about people's needs and what drove them. And then using that to sketch interfaces or services or whatever, you get a better sense for the data that you want to collect and how that might be valuable.

So it never felt like a forced thing. It felt really natural, just to start using those design toolkits for our purposes. And we've also bent it the other way to bring some data science-y tools to how we think about design.

Malmgren (right) with Datascope co-founder Mike Stringer (left)

So how have the projects that you're working on changed since you were acquired by IDEO? What essentially do you do as executive portfolio director?

Well, that's a mouthful and I'll get into that next. I can highlight a couple of things that are different about our work here versus at Datascope. One thing that I don't think would be a surprise to anybody is that IDEO has an incredible portfolio of clients and partners that we work with. So the scale of problems that we're working on is quite a bit more expansive than what we were doing at Datascope.

I would also say that the degree of collaboration that we're having across disciplines today versus then is obviously different. But that's intentional and it's been incredibly fruitful. I share this with a bit of trepidation, but it's a fact that's worth sharing, which is that everybody that came from Datascope remains a part of IDEO today, which in the grand scheme of acquisitions by bigger companies is pretty incredible, two years in. So I feel like we all are pretty passionate about continuing to push this edge of not just what doing human-centered data science looks like, but also more importantly, pushing the edge of what it means to design intelligent products and services.

And I'm curious if you can talk a little bit about like how data science has evolved as a practice over the years.

I mean, I would feel a little uncomfortable speaking to this about the field at large because I've practiced it in a very specific way that's always been kind of intentional about how we're designing algorithms to be useful for people. Like when we were first getting Datascope started, as I reflect, I think it was largely led by this concept of big data, how data's the new oil and you better suck everything up now so that you have something to use later. And I think organizations are getting wise to the fact that that hasn't born as much fruit as you might think.

I think that's how the early era was. Today, I feel like in general, the field of data science remains pretty technology focused, but perhaps with a bit more open eyes. And there's quite a bit more conversation today about the ethical considerations that go into building models and thinking about the data that you're collecting in the first place. That's not only forced through regulations like GDPR or the equivalent law in California whose name I can never remember... The sunshine law, that's a good name. I should've remembered that! But at any rate, while those legislations are important, the fact of the matter is that these things have been top of mind in the data science community and have brought to light a lot of thought leaders in the space.

I had this general question for you about how data science makes design better, but the more I think about it, it occurred to me that design also shapes data. So I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about that.

Design absolutely influences the data that you collect, which is actually directly related to how data science makes design better. I think in 2019 we live in an era where our watches are smart, our shoes are smart, we are using all these different tools and technologies that are connected. You have homes that are aware of when we're present and not. We have thermostats that are smart. You know, the list just goes on and on. And designing how those experiences unfold in an authentic way is, or prototyping what those experiences will look and feel like in an authentic way. It's not something you can just totally wizard of Oz.

Speaking of data science as a discipline in design impacts design in a really positive way by bringing these things to light and allowing us to experiment and learn from how these algorithms can be influenced by the experience and vice versa to make the holistic product or service a lot better. So we have some examples of that across our portfolio.

I was wondering if you could expand on this idea of "co-designing the algorithm" through maybe a case study. I watched a talk recently that you did and you discussed your bus safety project from a few years ago, but I was hoping you could kind of unpack that process of co-designing the algorithm with a more recent project.

The economical project that comes to mind for me is this work that we were doing for a medical device company. And the way that this worked is that they had a new surgery, a new surgical tool and they wanted to help doctors facilitate conversations with patients to make them more aware of whether or not they were ready for surgery. And you know, some people when they go in for surgery, they're of the mindset that, oh, I'm just going to a body shop. You're going to swap out a knee and I'll be all set. And it's not that simple. Obviously, bodies react in weird ways to surgeries. And so there's a lot of preoperative and postoperative care that is super important. One of the big opportunity areas that came up was actually facilitating these conversations in a much more authentic way to allow patients to take ownership of their care and giving doctors the tools to sort of have that conversation.

And so we prototyped this interface that was driven on the back end by an algorithm that would basically connect different factors. I can't tell you the real [factors], but things like how frequently you exercise, your diet. These various factors that you can actually control as a patient and the outcome, the likely outcome, or how quickly you would get better after surgery from their data. And it was a huge hit that, frankly, I don't think would have been as impactful had the team not been working side by side along the way. And actually, the side story on all this, and the reason why I really like this story, is that the project team had come back from research and they had went down [for a visit with data scientists] for an afternoon. And the data scientists doing what data scientists do, threw together a halfway decent algorithm and a really bad interface to try to bring this concept to life.

As I was researching for this interview, you described data as a medium of design, which kind of really clicked for me.

Yeah. You see data impacting design in three different ways. I mean, data is often used to quantify design. You see that a lot in things like AB testing. We use data as a means to inspire design quite a bit. That can happen through exploratory data analysis to identify opportunities or more frequently, we find ourselves doing simulations of future states to illustrate how different designs could be experienced. In a way, that's sort of hard to do or hard to imagine as an interaction designer or an industrial designer. And then of course, data as a medium for design, where you actually are molding it or shaping it or deciding what data to collect in the first place, as you alluded to earlier. And that to me, that's what's most exciting honestly, is thinking about the data that you can and should collect and describing to users why it's relevant to them to sort of make that value exchange really authentic.

You prefer to refer to artificial intelligence as augmented intelligence, right?

Well, that's how we like to think of it in the sense that at the end of the day, data algorithms serve people, not some robot overlord. And so it's really important to keep the people front and center when doing the work. And what that means in practice is that data scientists should, it turns out, talk to other people and learn about their needs firsthand. Data scientists don't talk to people in general, and that's something that I would very much like to change. I think it would generally improve the degree to which people adhere ethical standards and think about the impact that algorithms have on people in their lives.

Can you talk to me a little bit about the Hyper Human proposals you did? I asked Joe [Meersman] this question too about the future products of AI and I thought those propositions were really compelling in their optimism.

Yeah. So we've actually done two of these exhibits. One was in Munich called hyper human and the other was called the discomfort zone, which was a exhibit that we did in Palo Alto.

So both of these we did as a means to push the edge on what we think that future could look like. So I mean, there's a lot of things that I liked about the tension that we tried to hold in those exhibits. It brings to light the tradeoffs between privacy and —well, frankly—convenience, which is often played out in a lot of these sagas in the news, but also showing how the future of work doesn't have to be scary actually. That there is lots of promise and reasons to be optimistic about having new skillsets and what that could mean for you. Also, giving people the sense of what it might feel like to be augmented by a machine rather than replaced by one. So there are a number of things that I thought were really cool. My favorite example from the Munich exhibit, I think it was called the "belief checkout". And so with belief checkout, the idea is that when you go to the grocery store and you purchase some products, you have to do a lot of research if you want to shop according to your values. And so the thought that you could bring all that to life in a really compelling and easy to access way that plays off the real things that people are worried about, like cost, convenience, materials it's made of, et cetera, et cetera. That's all really important. And it was fun to play around with that and see that come to life.

And then there's also the question of how these technologies can be leveraged to solve systems problems and kind of like the biggest challenges we're facing, like climate change. What in your mind are the keys to tackling these issues?

Well, that's a great question. I like to think about that a lot. The short answer is that, you know, these systemic challenges, whether it's education, poverty, climate change, equality, I mean, that list goes on and on. I think the challenge, in any sense, is a cultural one about agreeing on principles that we can all sort of align to. And from a data point of view, I would hope that means thinking of ways to make data accessible and transparent, but also respecting the value that it does bring. And so what that might mean is, you know, thinking about how we share wastewater data for example, or pollution data in a way that benefits everyone.

I appreciate that, I know it was a broad question. Joe kind of gave us a good overview of the panel discussion, is there anything that you wanted to add to that?

Speaking directly to the Industrial Design audience of Core77, one of the things that I've found really exciting is, you know, as we design artifacts and objects that are in fact intelligence, that's a two-way street. You know, designing the next thermostat, as an example, it brings together a lot of these different skill sets. And I think there's ample room for collaboration, particularly in an era of IOT and other things that we've really only started to scratch the surface on. And I'm pretty convinced by that, you know, designing objects that are aware of their surroundings and help us take meaningful actions and adapt to our ever-changing context. It's an area that's ripe for continued innovation for the years to come. So I'm pretty excited to be speaking with that group.

Hear Dean Malmgren and other design industry leaders speak at this years Core77 Conference, "The Third Wave"! Tickets are available now.

from Core77

Design Job: Load your portfolio with awesome projects as an Industrial Design Intern at Ammunition inSan Francisco by Coroflot Jobs

Ammunition is an international design group providing services in product design, brand strategy and identity, UX design, graphic design, and packaging. While Ammunition’s strengths are diverse across design disciplines, our real expertise is to redefine markets by using design to create new business territory, and to communicate and connect with customers. Whether it is a product, an interface, a package or an identity, our approach is to create new, exciting experiences for customers that comm

See the full job details or check out all design jobs at Coroflot.

from Core77

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Fusion 360 — How To Turn Drawing into Music Pegs — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — How To Turn Drawing into Music Pegs — Ask LarsLive
How To Turn Drawing into Music Pegs is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Saturday, 24 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Must Know Selection CAM TIP — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Must Know Selection CAM TIP — Ask LarsLive
Must-Know Selection CAM TIP is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — Odd CAM Stock — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Odd CAM Stock — Ask LarsLive
Odd CAM Stock is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Friday, 23 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Pretty Bad Spot W. Hard Drive Died — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Pretty Bad Spot W. Hard Drive Died — Ask LarsLive
Pretty Bad Spot W. Hard Drive Died is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — Is Fusion Still FREE and How To Get it — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Is Fusion Still FREE and How To Get it — Ask LarsLive
Is Fusion Still FREE and How To Get it is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Grad School for Industrial Design? Watch This before you APPLY! by Jimmy Huynh

Grad School for Industrial Design? Watch This before you APPLY!
Should you get a MA degree in Industrial Design How to Draw like an Industrial Designer My Portfolio My Instagram Get The Pens Here: Metal Peg Board: Peg Board Hooks: My Main Camera My Microphones Microphone Setup Parts My Lights

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Thursday, 22 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Spray Nozzle Top W a Crash Recover — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Spray Nozzle Top W a Crash Recover — Ask LarsLive
Spray Nozzle Top W a Crash Recover is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — Better Split Body You Should Know — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Better Split Body You Should Know — Ask LarsLive
Better Split Body You Should Know is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Design Job: Find your way to a new job as an Industrial Designer at Garmin in Kansas City, MO by Coroflot Jobs

Garmin’s Consumer Industrial Design team continues to grow in Kansas City. We are looking for talented Industrial Designers to create amazing designs for cycling computers, outdoor handhelds, dash cams, marine radars, and much more. As well as a growing range of wearables for wellness, running, outdoor, golf, kids, and scuba ...

See the full job details or check out all design jobs at Coroflot.

from Core77

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Understand Z vs Y No RULES — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Understand Z vs Y No RULES — Ask LarsLive
Understand Z vs Y No RULES is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — How To Model A Drain Grate — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — How To Model A Drain Grate — Ask LarsLive
How To Model A Drain Grate is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Fusion 360 — MY Opinion on the NEW Interface — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — MY Opinion on the NEW Interface — Ask LarsLive
MY Opinion on the NEW Interface is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Monday, 19 August 2019

Ask LarsLive Fusion 360 — Sunday Edition — Episode 15 by Lars Christensen

Ask LarsLive Fusion 360 — Sunday Edition — Episode 15
The Ask LarsLive is my way of trying to providing as much value as possible. I take the questions from my email inbox and trying to answer them the best I can. (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Sunday, 18 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Save Time — Maybe Your models are too complex — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Save Time — Maybe Your models are too complex — Ask LarsLive
Save Time — Maybe Your models are too complex is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Saturday, 17 August 2019

Fusion 360 — How Print Your CAM Tool Library — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — How Print Your CAM Tool Library — Ask LarsLive
How Print Your CAM Tool Library is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — CAM For 4th Axis Mill Turn Chamfer — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — CAM For 4th Axis Mill Turn Chamfer — Ask LarsLive
CAM For 4th Axis Mill Turn Chamfer is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Friday, 16 August 2019

Fusion 360 — How To Solve A Complex in less than 15 minutes — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — How To Solve A Complex in less than 15 minutes — Ask LarsLive
How To Solve A Complex in less than 15 minutes is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Thursday, 15 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Unlock 100K Faces for STL 3D Printing — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Unlock 100K Faces for STL 3D Printing — Ask LarsLive
Unlock 100K Faces for STL 3D Printing is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Beat Error With Threads Within Hole Command — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Beat Error With Threads Within Hole Command — Ask LarsLive
Beat Error With Threads Within Hole Command is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — Two ways for CRAZY Straws — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Two ways for CRAZY Straws — Ask LarsLive
Two ways for CRAZY Straws is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Fusion 360 — The Logo Sketch Trick You Must Know — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — The Logo Sketch Trick You Must Know — Ask LarsLive
The Logo Sketch Trick You Must Know is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Monday, 12 August 2019

Ask LarsLive Fusion 360 — Sunday Edition — Episode 14 by Lars Christensen

Ask LarsLive Fusion 360 — Sunday Edition — Episode 14
The Ask LarsLive is my way of trying to providing as much value as possible. I take the questions from my email inbox and trying to answer them the best I can. (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Sunday, 11 August 2019

2020 GR Supra! Toyotas 50,000 Sportscar is BACK! DESIGN Comparison! Better than the C8? by Jimmy Huynh

2020 GR Supra! Toyotas 50,000 Sportscar is BACK! DESIGN Comparison! Better than the C8?
2020 Toyota Supra is BACK! My Portfolio My Instagram Get The Pens Here: Metal Peg Board: Peg Board Hooks: My Main Camera My Microphones Microphone Setup Parts My Lights

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Fusion 360 — Model Holes in 32 degrees in a Pipe — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Model Holes in 32 degrees in a Pipe — Ask LarsLive
Model Holes in 32 degrees in a Pipe is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Saturday, 10 August 2019

Fusion 360 — 3 Ways To CAM Chamfers with Ball Endmill — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — 3 Ways To CAM Chamfers with Ball Endmill — Ask LarsLive
3 Ways To CAM Chamfers with Ball Endmill is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Friday, 9 August 2019

Fusion 360 — How To Model Snap Rings for 3D Printing — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — How To Model Snap Rings for 3D Printing — Ask LarsLive
How To Model Snap Rings for 3D Printing is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Thursday, 8 August 2019

Fusion 360 — Bringing Excel into Fusion 360 — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Bringing Excel into Fusion 360 — Ask LarsLive
Bringing Excel into Fusion 360 is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Wednesday, 7 August 2019

What's in a Design Blogger's In-Box on Any Given Day? by Rain Noe

When you write for an outlet like Core77, or any of our competitors, you get a lot of e-mails from people wanting publicity for their designs. Obviously we can't (and shouldn't) cover all of it, but I thought some of you might be curious to see what comes in, why we pass over most of it, and what we'd like to see more of.

I should point out here: I don't consider myself an authority on design. I have about fifteen years of experience working in industrial design, and roughly 25 years of writing about it, which has allowed me to interview a lot of designers, learn from their experiences and examine their subcategories of ID. So while I might be better informed than the average Joe about the profession of ID, I am still a product of my own tastes, desires, experiences and needs, and do not possess any universally applicable wisdom. I have opinions and I am biased.

That being said, here's what we recently received in our in-boxes:

Adieu Smalls

That's the name of a new font inspired by feline tails for a cat food subscription service. Call me a tribalist, but as a dog owner with a background in practical ID, I have a hard time getting excited by both cats and fonts.

Luxury Design for Kids

This was from a firm that works with "incredible Interior Designers in order to create the most amazing bedrooms for kids," in this case, to fulfill "the dream of a little boy who adores the sky and all the elements within." This reminds me of shuffling past a five-year-old sitting in First Class while I make my way towards my seat in Economy. It also reminds me that designing for the rich is, and will always be, lucrative.

The Bartesian

This Keurig-for-cocktails is a pod-based single-serve cocktail station. The idea is that you pour in your base rotgut of choice, and the fruity parts come in the capsules. After the market failure of the Juicero, I didn't think we'd see more entries in the prepackaged-beverage-with-countertop-appliance-intermediary space, but I was wrong. If this is what America wants, this is what America will get.

The Rhake Waxed Canvas Laptop Backpack

The Rhake : Weatherproof Laptop Backpack by Mission Workshop from Mission Workshop on Vimeo.

The Rugged Laptop Bag for Adventurous Pro Photographs Wading Through Rivers has become such a huge category that I feel like I get e-mailed one of these per week. I can't blame the designers, but the sheer amount of these I see just leads to fatigue. Plus I can't tell what's good or bad by looking at it--I've owned quite a few bags, and only discover I don't like them after several months of use and reflection.

The Omnifob

The Omnifob is designed for users to be able to wield multiple smart home and car functions from a single device. I don't have a smart home and don't trust this to replace my car's key fob, as they say it can do. But overall, I wouldn't cover this simply due to general skepticism of new domestic technologies and "smart homes" in general. To me, the trade-off in cost and hassles of smart homes does not seem worth the supposed benefits.

Back in the day tech blogs would be thrilled to have a new gizmo to cover, and would be excited to publish it first. But with something like this, I'd prefer to wait and see if it actually does make a difference in peoples' lives, and only then would I go back to get the design story. This is another category of objects where, through no fault of the designers, fatigue has set in. My in-box is crammed with technological doohickeys promising to revolutionize our lives with button presses.

The Trio and Trio Pro

These are portable additional laptop monitors. I can clearly see the utility, but as with the Omnifob I'm skeptical before anything else, and would wait to see if these are actually practical to carry around and if they do work well. If they made a splash in the marketplace, I'd then chase the designers down.

M250 Hex Drive Toolkit

Highly portable bit holders and multitools seem to kill it on Kickstarter these days. I have no idea why they're so popular, but they demonstrably are, judging by the crowdfunding numbers. If a young product designer seeking an early hit asked me what s/he should design, I'd say a multitool is a good project--the functions are pretty clear-cut, and there appears to be an enormous market for them.

The Lensta Grip

This object adds an ergonomic, SLR-like grip to smartphones and adds a shutter button. I'm a fan of ergonomics in general, but I'm not sure why this looks like a rolled-up gym sock. It doesn't look professional nor finished to me.

The Silo Golf Club Carrier

Designed for the user who needs to "carry my arsenal of wedges and putter when you are near the green but not sure which club to bring from your cart," this actually seems useful for golfers, but I'm not sure how much of our readership plays golf.

Carrying multiple pole-like objects has also been on my mind lately, as I recently returned from a martial arts training retreat where I had to bring multiple weapons (wooden sword, cane, two staves, three spears) and I've found there really is no way to easily carry all of them together. In the photo below I'm using large extension cord wraps that did not prove suitable for the task.


If you imagine this times a thousand, you have an idea of the typical design blogger's in-box on any given week. And as you can see, what gets chosen or not chosen for further coverage is a largely subjective process. Lastly I'll say, what have turned into our most-trafficked posts typically did not arrive in our in-boxes, but were stories or ojbects of interest to us that we subsequently chased down.

Publicists, you've got your work cut out for you.

from Core77

Fusion 360 — How To Model a Violin Shape — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — How To Model a Violin Shape — Ask LarsLive
BETTER Workflow with Fusion Team is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Fusion 360 — BETTER Workflow with Fusion Team — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — BETTER Workflow with Fusion Team — Ask LarsLive
BETTER Workflow with Fusion Team is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Monday, 5 August 2019

Ask LarsLive Fusion 360 — Sunday Edition — Episode 13 by Lars Christensen

Ask LarsLive Fusion 360 — Sunday Edition — Episode 13
The Ask LarsLive is my way of trying to providing as much value as possible. I take the questions from my email inbox and trying to answer them the best I can. (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Sunday, 4 August 2019

2020 C8 Corvette - Americas 60,000 Supercar! Design and Comparison! by Jimmy Huynh

2020 C8 Corvette - Americas 60,000 Supercar! Design and Comparison!
2020 C8 Corvette design first look My Portfolio My Instagram Get The Pens Here: Metal Peg Board: Peg Board Hooks: My Main Camera My Microphones Microphone Setup Parts My Lights

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Fusion 360 — EASY Knife Handle with Sculpt — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — EASY Knife Handle with Sculpt — Ask LarsLive
EASY Knife Handle with Sculpt is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — EASY Knife Handle with Sculpt — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — EASY Knife Handle with Sculpt — Ask LarsLive
EASY Knife Handle with Sculpt is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Saturday, 3 August 2019

Fusion 360 — CAM Turning 101 — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — CAM Turning 101 — Ask LarsLive
CAM Turning 101 is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Fusion 360 — CAM Pattern Hack You Should Know — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — CAM Pattern Hack You Should Know — Ask LarsLive
CAM Pattern Hack You Should Know is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Friday, 2 August 2019

Fusion 360 — ANOTHER TWISTED METAL — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — ANOTHER TWISTED METAL — Ask LarsLive
ANOTHER TWISTED METAL is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Thursday, 1 August 2019

Watch an Industrial Designer Rate and Improve on Existing Kitchen Tools by Allison Fonder

If you're a designer, it's likely you interact with objects on a daily basis and think, "there's a much better way to design this [insert object here]," or more simply, "this thing is trash!" So attain a bit of catharsis today by watching seasoned industrial designer and Smart Design co-founder Dan Formosa rate and test out kitchen gadgets for Epicurious:

While Formosa only employs a couple methods for testing a product's effectiveness, it still reveals to the non-designer the many minutiae involved with getting a kitchen tool right they may have never considered. To make the video even better, Formosa does some sketching to demonstrate how each object could be designed to improve on the original. Bon appétit, designers!

How would you have redesigned one of the objects featured in the video? Share in the comment section below.

from Core77

Fusion 360 — Custom Appearance Material — Ask LarsLive by Lars Christensen

Fusion 360 — Custom Appearance Material — Ask LarsLive
Custom Appearance Material is a snippet of Sunday's Ask LarsLive. You Can watch the full episode here: (The advice in my videos are my own and are not intended to represent the views of my wife, children or employer) My email: Want to learn more about Fusion 360? Check out this link: Free CNC Handbook: LET'S CONNECT: MY BLOG,

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Great Industrial Design Student Work: The Attaché Folding Stool by Rain Noe

"There are some problems with folding furniture," observed mechanical engineer Chi-Hao Chiang, who left his native Taiwan to pursu...